Bedwas storm back to claim victory

Ystalyfera RFC 27 Bedwas RFC 52

WRU Admiral Championship, Saturday 8th April 2023.

Match report by Stephen Lloyd-Clubbe.

 Bedwas scored two first tries and conceded five but added six of their own in the second half to complete a huge turnaround.

The home side opened the scoring with an unconverted try after only eight minutes. They added two further unconverted tries after fifteen and twenty minutes to increase their lead, before a Lewis Crane five pointer improved upon by Lloyd Wilkins reduced the arrears.

As Bedwas fought to get back into the game Dale Rogers was sinbinned for an alleged no arms tackle and during his time off the field the home side added tow further tries one of which was converted.

Rogers returned to the field just before the interval as Corey Howells crossed for a try converted by Lloyd Wilkins to see the score at Ystalyfera 27 Bedwas 14 at the break.

Stefan Sankala was not a happy coach and gave his players a roasting during the interval.

Nine minutes into the half Corey Howells added his second try of the afternoon but Wilkins missed the conversion. Callaghan Smith added a try on 55 minutes, again unconverted but shortly afterwards Liam Jenkins crossed, Wilkins converted and Bedwas were ahead for the first time in the contest.

Sam George added the sixth try of the afternoon two minutes later which Wilkins improved upon before Ben Drew became the second Bedwas player to receive a yellow card for an alleged no arms tackle.

During Drew’s enforced break Wilkins missed a penalty shot before improving a Dale Rogers try.

Harry Oliver crossed for a try with the final play of the game, Lloyd Wilkins added the extras to complete a resounding comeback from the Bedwas team who were on the ropes at half time.

Man of the Match was awarded to Lloyd Wilkins.

Next Saturday (15th April) Bedwas host Cross Keys at the Bridgefield, kick-off is at 2-30pm.